A100 series

  • Tractor power (HP) : 40 to 140
  • Hours of use (H/year)
  • < 400
  • Maximum height to the axis of rotation of the tool
  • 3,50 m to 4,00 m
  • Pull-out force at the tool's axis of rotation
  • 2000 kg to 2300 kg
A100 series loaders are suitable for occasional light work.


Crowding angle up to 62° at 1.00 m from ground
For maximum longevity, all pivot joints are protected by bi-metal bushes and fitted with an anti-rotation system.
Easy hitching/unhitching, using the FITLOCK 2M System®.
Requires leaving the cab just once. Manual locking.
The parking stands are fully integrated into the loader arms and have their own simple and effective locking/unlocking mechanism.
When stowed, they serve as a protective cover for the hydraulic hoses.
The hydraulic lines and polyurethane cable array pass discreetly along the underside of the loader arms.
This protection ensures that they remain clean and easy to access.
The bucket rams are connected to a double pressure limiter
Also known as an anti-impact valve, to protect the loader in both forward and reverse (scraping) motion.

Detailed specifications

MX A104
MX A106
MX A110
Tractor power (HP)
40 - 80
60 - 90
90 - 140
Hours of use (H/year)
< 400
< 400
< 400
Mechanical parallelogram
Digging depth
0.15 m
0.15 m
0.15 m
Pull-out force at the tool's axis of rotation
2000 kg
2180 kg
2300 kg
Capacity at the axis of rotation of the tool over the entire height
1600 kg
2020 kg
2170 kg
Lifting time
3.7 s
4.3 s
5.0 s
Discharge time
1.8 s
2.0 s
2.1 s
Weight without equipment
430 kg
440 kg
500 kg
Lift height
Maximum height to the axis of rotation of the tool
3,50 m
3,80 m
4,00 m
Maximum height under horizontal bucket
3,15 m
3,45 m
3,65 m
Maximum height under tipped bucket
2,50 m
2,80 m
3,00 m
Working angles
Dump angle at maximum height
Ground clearance angle
Payload on pallet at 600mm in front of forks :
On the ground
1400 kg
1700 kg
2000 kg
2 m from the ground
1430 kg
1725 kg
1950 kg
3 m from the ground
1375 kg
1685 kg
1900 kg
At maximum height
1350 kg
1575 kg
1800 kg

Compatible MX implements

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