TX400 series

  • Tractor power (HP) : 170 to 400
  • Hydraulic parallelogram (PCH) : Serie
  • Hours of use (H/year)
  • < 1500
  • Maximum height to the axis of rotation of the tool
  • 4.87 m to 5.50 m
  • Pull-out force at the tool's axis of rotation
  • 4000 kg to 4100 kg
Developed in collaboration with farmers, farmers’ groups and agricultural contractors, the TX400 series range of loaders is intended for use with tractors of between 170 and 400 hp. The high-power tractor-loader combination is a genuine alternative to telescopic handlers and loaders, giving you more flexibility, more speed on the road and increased efficiency for your everyday tasks. It's a highly versatile unit.... read moreless


The Hydraulic compensation parallelogram (HCP) – patented
Additional power and steady implement angle during raising/lowering of the loader.
Arm design
The arm structure links two "U" shaped profiles made from 6 mm thick HLE steel. Its assembled width is 100 mm. This design guarantees incomparable resistance and endurance.
Hoist cylinder power
The lifting rams are powered via rigid pipes to protect them from impacts, avoiding all maintenance costs throughout the loader's lifespan.
Implement carrier with automatic locking/unlocking.
The TX400 loader has a specific implement carrier with FAST-LOCK hydraulic locking as standard. Depending on the model chosen, it may be possible to hitch telescopic forklift implements.
Pivot points
- ARCOR treated pins - Protected grease nipples - Bushes with lubrication system - - Pin plate anti-rotation locking system
Hydraulic design
All hydraulic parts are protected by the arm. This allows visibility to be generated. All the hydraulic power lines are rigid. The hydraulic unit comprising the suspension and the 3rd and 4th functions are protected by the front and rear housing on the loader cross-beam.

Detailed specifications

MX TX420
MX TX425
MX TX430
Tractor power (HP)
170 - 320
200 - 400
250 - 400
Hours of use (H/year)
< 1500
< 1500
< 1500
Hydraulic parallelogram (PCH)
Front range up / down
0.72 m / 2.02 m
0.97 m / 2.10 m
0.95 m / 2.37 m
Digging depth
0.15 m
0.15 m
0.15 m
Pull-out force at the tool's axis of rotation
4000 kg
4100 kg
4100 kg
Capacity at the axis of rotation of the tool over the entire height
3250 kg
3650 kg
3650 kg
Lifting time
6.7 s
8.3 s
9 s
Discharge time
1.5 s
1.5 s
1.5 s
Weight without equipment
1020 kg
1200 kg
1200 kg
Lift height
Maximum height to the axis of rotation of the tool
4.87 m
5.10 m
5.50 m
Maximum height under horizontal bucket
4.55 m
4.80 m
5.20 m
Maximum height under tipped bucket
3.40 m
3.68 m
4.14 m
Working angles
Dump angle at maximum height
Ground clearance angle
Payload on pallet at 600mm in front of forks :
On the ground
3550 kg
3700 kg
3700 kg
2 m from the ground
3450 kg
3650 kg
3650 kg
3 m from the ground
3260 kg
3450 kg
3450 kg
At maximum height
2950 kg
3200 kg
3200 kg

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